Annual Passes.

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Power Pass
Free Per Member
  • An interactive digital magazine that will help you have fun & engaging FAITH CONVERSATIONS with the youth in your life. Great for parents, youth ministry leaders, and Christian educators!


Guild Pass
$ 10 Annually Per Member
  • 2 HEART-POUNDING adventures let YOU & YOUR FRIENDS help decide if an outcast scavenger with nothing to lose can save the last city on Earth!
    1-Hour of STORY FUN!
New Episode


Guild Pass
$ 10 Annually Per Member
  • 2 EXHILARATING adventures let YOU & YOUR FRIENDS help decide if an outcast conspiracy theorist with everything to lose can save the last city on Earth!
    1-Hour of STORY FUN!
New Episode


Guild Pass
$ 15 Annually Per Member
  • 4 INCREDIBLE adventures let YOU & YOUR FRIENDS help decide if two young outcasts who can't face the loss in their lives can save the last city on Earth!
    2-Hours of STORY FUN!
New Episodes

Ty Guild Pass

Embark on a fantastic adventure that will spark rich and engaging conversations about the LOSS in our lives!

Parts 1 & 2 of Ty’s epic adventure!
Guild questions & trivia for Ty’s first two episodes
The Power of Story digital guide for using story to spark fun & engaging faith conversations with students!
Partner Portal access with easy to use faith conversation resources 

Liv Guild Pass

Embark on a fantastic adventure that will spark rich and engaging conversations about the LOSS in our lives!

Parts 1 & 2 of Liv’s epic adventure!
Guild questions & trivia for Liv’s first two episodes
The Power of Story digital guide for using story to spark fun & engaging faith conversations with students!
Partner Portal access with easy to use faith conversation resources 

Combo Pass

Embark on a fantastic adventure that will spark rich and engaging conversations about the LOSS in our lives!

Parts 1 & 2 of Ty’s epic adventure!
Parts 1 & 2 of Liv’s epic adventure!
Guild questions & trivia for Ty’s first two episodes
Guild questions & trivia for Liv’s first two episodes
The Power of Story digital guide for using story to spark fun & engaging faith conversations with students!
Partner Portal access with easy to use faith conversation resources