In partnership with:

The Way (of Yahweh)

An ILLUSTRATED, coming-of-age ADVENTURE SERIES that let’s YOU & YOUR FRIENDS help decide if two teen outcasts will face their broken pasts in order to SAVE THE LAST CITY ON EARTH!

Parental Rating: +12
May contain Fantasy Violence, Suggestive Themes, Minimal Blood, Mild Substances, and Crude Humor.  Learn more here.

6 /10

User Rated

Teen Approved

Story Guild Pass

An ILLUSTRATED, coming-of-age ADVENTURE SERIES that let’s YOU & YOUR FRIENDS help decide if two teen outcasts will face their broken pasts in order to SAVE THE LAST CITY ON EARTH!

The Way (of Yahweh)

An ILLUSTRATED, coming-of-age ADVENTURE SERIES that let’s YOU & YOUR FRIENDS help decide if two teen outcasts will face their broken pasts in order to SAVE THE LAST CITY ON EARTH!

Parental Rating: +12
May contain Fantasy Violence, Suggestive Themes, Minimal Blood, Mild Substances, and Crude Humor.  Learn more here.

6 /10

User Rated

Teen Approved

Why We
Created it.


Whether it’s church disengagement, mental health struggles, COVID, or culture wars, our world is changing at a pace that leaves many teens, parents, and churches struggling to keep up.

We want to give you a tool that fits in your pocket, and lets you do the following:

Surveyed 18–29-year-olds who grew up in church, but have withdrawn from involvement as an adult.

(Source: Barna 2019)
Increase in insurance claims for intentional self-harm in 13–18-year-olds rose 99.8% between 2019 and 2020.

(Source: FAIR Health 2021 White Paper)
Surveyed Millennials who agree with the statement “Whatever is right for your life or works best for you is the only truth you can know”.

(Source: Barna 2016)

What We Created.


Webcomic: A comicbook-style story (i.e. Archie, Spider-Man, Wonder Woman) that can be read on a website. Our story is an epic morality tale designed to explore & discuss themes that every teen must face on their journey to adulthood (i.e. LOSS, ISOLATION, FEAR, DOUBT, etc.). All built on the foundation of biblical truth, with Jesus as The Way through life’s brokenness, back to the God who created us.

Biblical Truth. Epic Story.

This story is a love letter to all of us who struggle with the brokenness of life, and to the God who specializes in using those broken pieces to create something new.



“Why did God let everything fall apart?”

An orphan with a tragic past and an uncertain future, Tyren Hunter has never had it easy. Forced to work as a magnetic scavenger in the most dangerous part of the city (The Hanging Ruins), barely escaping death is an everyday occurrence. But ever the optimist, Ty is determined to build a new life for himself in the Ruins, no matter what he has to leave behind to do it.

Will Ty continue to bury his past to survive, or does his past hold value for the future?



“Why is God letting everything fall apart?”

At first glance, Olivia Trace is just your average teenage girl with a tight group of friends and an awkward high school crush. After dinner and homework however, she can be found searching through the shadows of Halcyon City as the ill-famed conspiracy theorist ‘Skylar’, determined to expose a deadly magnetic threat no one sees coming.

Will Liv be able to expose the truth before it’s too late, or does a deeper truth lie ahead?

Guild Up with friends.

Questions, trivia, and valuable details await at the end of each story to help YOU DECIDE what Ty & Liv will do next!

1. Read

Read each episode with a small or large group of friends (Known as a ‘Guild’).

2. Explore

Explore questions, trivia, and valuable story details that take you deeper into the adventure and prepare you for choosing Ty & Liv’s path forward!

3. Decide

Decide with readers from around the globe what Ty & Liv should do next, and watch as the most popular vote explodes onto screens in the next story!

Why it's different.


The Way (of Yahweh) is NOT curriculum, and it is by no means a replacement for Bible study materials. What it is, however, is a FUN and DYNAMIC activity tool that helps teens EXPLORE biblical truths through an unforgettable story:

The Results.


Surveyed students who hadn’t been at youth group in over 6 months
20 %


Surveyed students who said they want a Story Guild in their Youth Group
92 %


Surveyed students who said they’d consider inviting a friend to the next ‘Guild Night’
60 %

Guild Pass Includes:

An interactive adventure series told from both a young boy (Ty) and young girl’s (Liv) perspective, exploring the concept of LOSS, where God can be found in loss, and the challenges of navigating it as a young person.

Follow the reckless scavenger, Tyren Hunter through the forgotten underbelly of Halcyon City, where he and his friends stumble upon a relic from the past that may hold the key to his future.

At the end of each story, take your Guild through a series of fun questions that address the moral, theological, and philosophical aspects of Ty’s journey!  Once completed, your Guild must collectively vote for what Ty should do next to help decide his actions in the upcoming episode!

Follow the headstrong conspiracy theorist, Olivia Trace into a world of mystery and deception, as she attempts to find out if her city is on the brink of a destruction no one sees coming.

At the end of each story, take your Guild through a series of fun questions that address the moral, theological, and philosophical aspects of Liv’s journey!  Once completed, your Guild must collectively vote for what Liv should do next to help decide her actions in the upcoming episode!

Enjoy our digital guide The Power of Story, and a series of multimedia resources on our Partner Portal page to help you use our products to have fun & engaging faith conversations with the youth in your life!

What You'll Experience: