At first glance, Olivia Trace is just your average teenage girl with a tight group of friends and an awkward high school crush. After dinner and homework however, she can be found searching through the shadows of Halcyon City as the ill-famed conspiracy theorist ‘Skylar’, determined to expose a deadly magnetic threat no one believes exists.
Whether they love it or loathe it, everyone in Halcyon City has begun to talk about “Fracture Theory”, Liv’s anonymously-written column designed to expose the truth behind the odd magnetic occurrences that have begun taking place throughout the city.
On every search, chase, or midnight-investigation, Liv’s trusty teddybear bag has her back. With its many advanced features, her own skills aren’t the only thing helping her change history.
On every adventure, Liv brings her trusty A.I. companion, Eddy. By capturing evidence through surveillance technology, dispersing information and even giving advice, unlawful investigation wouldn’t be near as easy without his help.
Liv is never seen without her necklace— the one she made from a mysterious object her dad gave her years ago. What Liv doesn’t realize is that the mysterious object is more revered, valuable and powerful than she could have ever imagined.
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The Way (of Yahweh)
Ty’s Story
Liv’s Story
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